Before we round off the year, we want to take the opportunity to proudly present one final strategic partnership that is close to our hearts.
Wellstreet has entered into a cooperation agreement with Cancerfonden, The Swedish Cancer Society, an independent non-profit organisation that works towards the vision of defeating cancer through financing the best cancer research in Sweden.
The Swedish Cancer Society, or Cancerfonden, runs various well-known campaigns and initiatives all year round to fundraise money for cancer research, such as The Pink Ribbon (Rosa Bandet) and The Cancer Gala – Together against cancer (Cancergalan – Tillsammans mot cancer).

Through this collaboration, we will seek out every opportunity for Cancerfonden to fundraise through Wellstreet's portfolio and network activities.
This year, we will skip our usual Christmas festivities here at Wellstreet – as most of you probably will – to avoid the spread of the virus. We have also chosen to refrain from sending out Christmas gifts to our network of friends and investors.
However, Christmas doesn’t have to be canceled for everyone, so instead, we choose to donate to our friends at Cancerfonden, where it actually can make a difference. We also invite you to contribute your usual Christmas office party budget to this fantastic cause and support their essential work.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy start to the New Year.