Fintech Fund I
With market transformation taking place and new struggles appearing for banks and other financial actors, Wellstreet seeks to invest in data driven startups which solve the need of transformation, efficiency, and better customer experience for end consumers of these actors.
Driven by rapid changes, the business-to-business segment in financial services will be disrupted the same way consumer products have been disrupted during the last decade. We have a deep understanding of the financial industry and can pinpoint what needs to happen for many of the current actors to become more efficient, profitable, sustainable and compliant.
We plan to make investments in early stage B2B service and infrastructure technology providers with global business models and innovative solutions.

Fund status.
Fintech Fund I target the enablers
Our investment sweet spot is modular third-party solutions for the financial market. We look for early-stage B2B service and infrastructure technology providers with global business models and innovative solutions.
Wellstreet Fintech I Thesis
With market transformation taking place and new struggles appearing for banks and other financial actors, Wellstreet seeks to invest in data driven startups which solve the need of transformation, efficiency, and better customer experience for end consumers of these actors.
Wellstreet’s Fintech Fund I was Iaunched in February 2022. Welstreet Fintech Fund I is an Article 8 Fund. Read our ESG Disclosure here.
The fund has so far been backed by top executives from leading Nordic banks and fintech companies including Avanza, Collector, Handelsbanken, Swedbank, Northmill, Resurs and Klarna. Launched in February 2022, the final close was in the summer of 2023 with the aim of investing in 10-15 companies during the investment period.